Dry needling is now available at New Life Chiropractic in Virginia Beach! Dry needling is a modern science based form of therapy designed to reduce muscle inflammation, tension and pain. Needling with mono filament acupuncture needles at specific points creates a biochemical normalizing effect that reduces pain and improves function. It can also fix electrical...
Author: Dr. Mike Geheren
What is cupping and how does it work?
What is cupping and how does it work? As many of you probably saw during the Olympics this summer many of the athletes including swimmer Michael Phelps had purple circles or “bruises” on their upper backs and shoulders. These spots are the residual effects of cupping therapy. Cupping is a form of Traditional Chinese Medicine...
Do we get more dehydrated in humid weather?
Today was one of those days when I was shooting from the hip in my attempt to educate my patients. My theory was that humidity helps keep us hydrated by breathing in all that moisture. After doing a little research I found that for the most part I was wrong. The truth of the matter...
Fertility treatment in Virginia Beach
Does Chiropractic affect fertility? This is a question I get asked several times a year, and of coarse the quick easy answer is yes! This being said I think these patients are really asking; How does chiropractic affect fertility? Is chiropractic treatment safe? How much is this treatment going to cost? Lets address these one...
Back and Neck Pain Treatment Options
Back and Neck Pain Treatment Options in Virginia Beach,VA You wake up in the mourning and find you are suffering from extreme low back pain, what do you do? You have a stiff neck that wont go away. The pain and numbness are working their way down your shoulder and into your arm. Now what...
TMJ Syndrome
TMJ Syndrome treatment in Virginia Beach! TMJ Symptoms TMJ or the tempo-mandibular joint is the primary joint of the jaw. Symptoms of TMJ syndrome are headaches and pain and soreness of the jaw muscles primarily near the ear. Other symptoms include clicking or popping when opening the mouth, difficulty opening the mouth, the jaw getting...
Insomnia Do you have a difficult time falling asleep at night? Do you wake in the middle of the night and can not fall back to sleep? Than you may be one of the millions of people who suffer with insomnia. The result of any sleep disturbance is often irritability, depression, anxiety, emotional disturbances, or...
Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow treatment in Virginia Beach What is tennis elbow? You do not have to play tennis to get tennis elbow. Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is an inflammation of one or more tendons as they cross over the elbow joint. This pain is usually located near the epicondyles or the bony bumps on...
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome treatment in Virginia Beach! Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment (pinched nerve) syndrome. Symptoms of carpal tunnel include pain in the wrist and forearm and numbness and tingling in the thumb and first two fingers, all of which tend to be worse at night. Carpal tunnel can effect...
Piriformis syndrome (a real pain in the butt)
Piriformis syndrome (a real pain in the butt) treatment in Virginia Beach. Low back pain that starts in the gluteal (butt) area and radiating down the back of the leg, caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, is commonly referred to as piriformis syndrome. This condition which is often misdiagnosed as...